Every time you use your Home Bank debit card in December, you’ll be entered to win a $500 gift card!
The more you use your Home Bank debit card, the more times you are entered to win. So start using your card today!
Using your card is rewarding and convenient:
Purchase details appear on your monthly checking statement so tracking your spending is easy.
Your card is accepted more readily than checks.
Purchases are deducted directly from your checking account.
Hitting the credit button gives you the added security of not having to enter your PIN number.
Card can be replaced instantly if lost or stolen, and there’s no annual fee.
No matter what you want to buy, your Home Bank debit card makes shopping easy. And, with this limited-time offer, you could win a $500 gift card!
Need a new card? Call 765-342-6695 and we’ll order you a card so you can take advantage of this great offer or stop by one of our convenient branches for your new card!